I was in a mood to explore a not-so-famous kinda spot this time.
Somehow I managed to get my hands on this name : Gandikota. It is also known as the Grand Canyon of India. Well, I started planning this trip. On checking the pics on Google, it was clear that the place is pretty far from reaching easily. Hence, checked with a friend, who owns a Jeep if he would be interested in visiting Gandikota. He quickly agreed without even taking a second.
So, It was me, my friend (Businessman), his friend (Photographer), my another friend(Producer at a leading Kannada channel), his friend(Fashion Designing student) were the set of people who came together for this amazing road trip. The reason why I have mentioned the profession is to show how diverse set we were and this was a trip where it was not the regular "Everybody knows Everybody"-kind.
At least two faces were NEW for everyone! I am not kidding!
So, the three of us started from Ujire(around 60kms east of Mangalore) around 10PM, in the Jeep(A BOLERO) and took the Charmadi ghat. We stopped at Kottigehaara after crossing the ghat section to eat fresh Neerdosas. Those were so delicious.
And somewhere in between we stopped for hot tea and bun. Driving at night is such a unique experience in itself. We reached Bengaluru around 3.15 AM. We met the other two people here. We three decided to sleep for sometime and then start.
Once we were out on the highway, we realised how the entire trip is going to be so HOT!! Literally!!
Because it was mid-March. And the weather is pretty hot at this time in South India.
We had our pit stops mainly for eating Watermelons and having tender coconuts.
Well, we kept asking for directions now and then, once we went a li'l ahead in Andhra Pradesh and nobody, trust me, NOBODY knew Gandikota,!!
So, we had our Google Map ON. But what's the fun when you don't interact with the locals in a trip. So, just for fun sake, we kept asking :)
Well, we were almost 15kms away from the spot, according to the Map and then we wondered about a place to stay for that night. The nearest town is Jammalamadugu. We deviated to find a hotel as we wanted to visit the spot during sunset and it was just 3.30PM then and was scorching hot.
Finding a local hotel was easy. There were 4 in the town and one a li'l before the town. We decided to stay outta the town as the town was dusty, crowded and noisy.
After a quick nap, while it was almost the time for the sun to set, we headed to the Grand Canyon of India. The road leading to the spot is so good that you would just fall in love with the empty land.
And we reached.
All that we could see was an entrance like in any other fort. Huge walls. And then there are a few tiny houses. There are families living there. We walked ahead to see a beautiful mosque, a huge godown and then there were rocks. Huge ones. We need to walk or jump sometimes, on the rocks to reach THE SPOT!!
Oh Man!!! This place is just BEAUTIFUL.
We got to see the Red Fire Ball set in the West and a beautiful Snow Ball rise. The view was breathtaking.
Everything else faded away when it was just the amazingly sculpted rocks on the sides, green water majestically set in between and the perfect Snow Ball reflecting itself.
Oh! What a Beauty!
(Click on the images for better results)
This place is a small village in itself. It has temples, a mosque, a jail, a lake..Just like a village, but all in ruins. It's all History.
Our initial plan was to visit this in the evening and then leave for Belum caves, next day. We all looked at each other and it was clear that we did not want to leave this place. We wanted to come here again! We saw a group of young boys putting up tent here. Yes!! you can carry tents and spend the night here. I wish we had tents!
Once we reached the hotel, we decided to sleep early so that we could catch the sunrise at this spot on the next day.
And yes, even after an entire day's drive, we woke up at 5.30AM and headed to watch the sunrise.
15kms of drive early in the morning in that beautiful stretch of road is heavenly.
After a couple of photoshoots here, we were back in the town, and headed to Belum caves which is around 60kms from Jammalamadugu. We were so satisfied and happy that we forgot to feed our stomach. We expected to find some spot to eat on the way. That was a wrong call. We should have had breakfast and left. There was absolutely no such space where we could stop for food. It was an almost empty road with a couple of houses here and there.
If you love roads, this is one road where you would love it more. You can see the road for a few kilometres ahead. The land is that empty and the roads maintained so well, it is just a blessing to get to drive here. And there are windmills on the stretch to accompany you.
And when you are almost there, you get to spot a BIGGG Budha!! Yes! A Serene White HUGE Budha settled amidst nothing.
You are supposed to know that you have reached Belum caves once you reach Budha. And Thank Heavens, there was a spot to get food. Phew! Our tummies!!
We looked around wondering where the caves are. All that we could see was, like all this time, dry barren land.
And there was a ticket counter closeby. It was 50Rp per head. Only after this we noticed an entrance to the underground made by a railing. The caves are UNDERGROUND!!

To whoever said that there is Hell underground, get them here. This place is A MARVEL.
It is 46mts deep under the surface and 3km LONG!! Ain't that very thought of having something under the ground for that deep and that long wonderful?
The caves are very well maintained by providing wind through pipes from above. The place is lit as required. And there are enough sign boards to make sure that you are not lost.
Everything about this cave is interesting. There is a huge space to walk around initially, big enough for an elephant herd and then there are sleeky curves, difficult for a bulky person to move around. There is a spot where it is tough to stand straight and there is a spot where the ceiling is so high. There is a spot where you need to be half your size and walk to find the water source (known as Patalaganga) and there is a spot where a sleek spiral ladder is put up to reach the upper floor! The deep passages are to be experienced.
The entrance and exit points are the same.
Once you are out, you would be just left with one word,WOW!
It is a MARVEL indeed.
We had our lunch in the same place where we had our brunch and headed back to our hotel. It was hot outside but since it was windy, we were good.
Reached the town, Jammalamadugu and had lunch again. Perfect for a power nap. After the nap, we headed back to Bangalore, again stopping for tea,tender coconut,cold water and of course, asking directions, just for fun:)
If you are looking for your next road trip, ditch the Goa, ditch the Gokarna!! Spend a night under a tent in Gandikota! You would thank me for suggesting, anyway!
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